AICESIS Presidency
The Presidency of AICESIS is held for a two-year term, according to a principle of rotation on a continental basis, by an Economic and Social Council member of the Association. Each institution that holds the presidency of the Association has the responsibility to organize a General Assembly meeting - usually at the end of its term.
AICESIS 2017-2019
On September 27, 2019, the AICESIS Secretariat sent the following messages to all members of the Association:
Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached, for your information, the following document: "AICESIS PRESIDENCY BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 2017 AND OCTOBER 2019".
The document will be debated and submitted for approval on the occasion of the General Assembly meeting, which will take place in Bucharest, Romania, from 9 to 10 October 2019.
At the GA meeting in Bucharest you will receive the hard copy of the document.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Bucharest.Best regards,
AICESIS Secretariat
Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached, for your information, the following document: "THE IMPACT OF THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION ON THE FUTURE OF HUMANKIND" - Activity Report.
The document will be debated and submitted for approval on the occasion of the General Assembly meeting, which will take place in Bucharest, Romania, from 9 to 10 October 2019.
At the GA meeting in Bucharest you will receive the document in hard copy.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Bucharest.Best regards,
AICESIS Secretariat
CES Romania holds the AICESIS presidency for the 2017-2019 mandate
The current president of AICESIS is
Mr. Iacob BACIU, President of the Economic and Social Council of Romania. The Secretary General of the Association is
Note on the activity of the AICESIS President, Mr. Iacob Baciu, President of the ESC of Romania
Following his inauguration as President of AICESIS on 7 September 2017, in Santo Domingo, Mr. Iacob Baciu, President of the ESC of Romania, received letters of congratulations from Presidents of Economic and Social Councils that could not be represented at the AICESIS meeting in the Dominican Republic, more specifically from Mr. Roger Nasnas, President of the ESC of Lebanon, Mr. Alfred Tainga Poloko, President of the ESC of the Central African Republic, Mr. Charles Koffi Diby, President of the ESC of Ivory Coast, and Mr. Pavlo Rozenko, President of the National Tripartite Social and Economic Council of Ukraine and Deputy Prime Minister. The Presidents of the mentioned ESCs expressed in their congratulatory letters their enthusiasm for the AICESIS main working topic for 2017-2019, proposed by President Baciu, as well as their willingness to meet Mr. Baciu in order to discuss the main lines of cooperation between their institutions and the Romanian ESC, in the context of the main working topic and of other secondary working topics of AICESIS. Mr. Baciu replied to the letters and tried to set meeting dates convenient for all parties.
Mr. Baciu already received at the headquarters of the Romanian ESC the visit of a delegation of the Central African council, formed of Mr. Alfred Taïnga Poloko, President, Mr. Nicolas Tiangaye, former Prime-Minister of the CAR, and Mr. Clément De-Boutet M'bamba, General Rapporteur. The Central African delegation wished to make manifest the commitment of its institution to become involved in all the activities of AICESIS and to strengthen collaboration between the Central African and the Romanian councils.
Also, because he highly values the importance of the cooperation between the European Economic and Social Committee and AICESIS, President Baciu addressed a letter to President Georges Dassis, where he expressed his wish to set a meeting in Brussels to discuss the cooperation between the two institutions.
Internally, President Baciu sent information letters concerning his new position as Head of AICESIS to Romanian authorities: Presidency, Government, ministries, the two chambers of Parliament, parliamentary committees, the National Integrity Agency, the People’s Advocate, the National Bank, the Legislative Council, the Superior Council of Magistracy, the Constitutional Court, the Court of Accounts, and to trade union confederations. The President of the Romanian ESC also sent information letters to Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, Mr. Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament, as well as to the Romanian MEPs. Mr. Baciu attached to the letters a brief description of AICESIS and his inaugural speech, where he explained his choice of the AICESIS main working topic. He also invited the representatives of the Romanian and European institutions to support the activities of AICESIS. Mr. Baciu received subsequently many congratulatory letters from the representatives of these institutions, who highly appreciated the main working topic for 2017-2019 and enthusiastically expressed their willingness to support the works of the Association. More details in this regard can be found on the website
- Scrisoare de felicitare a Președintelui Parlamentului European Dl. Antonio Tajani
- Scrisoare de felicitare Avocatul Poporului - Dl. Victor Ciorbea
- Scrisoare de felicitare din partea Ministerului Afacerilor Interne - Direcția Generală pentru Comunicații și Tehnologia Informației
- Scrisoare de felicitare din partea Ministrului Culturii
- Scrisoare de felicitare din partea Ministrului Mediului
- Scrisoare de felicitare din partea Ministrului Afacerior Externe Dl. Teodor Meleșcanu
- Scrisoare de felicitare din partea Comisiei pentru învățământ, știință, tineret și sport
- Scrisoare de felicitare din partea Comisiei Economice, industrii și servicii
- Scrisoare de felicitare din partea Comisiei pentru învățământ
- Scrisoare de felicitare din partea Comisiei legislativ
- Stimate domnule Baciu,
Va felicit din toata inima pentru alegerea dvs. ca presedinte al AICESIS si va doresc un mandat de succes.
Cat priveste tema pe care ati propus-o pentru perioada mandatului dvs., ea este una care ma preocupa mult si in calitate de vice-presedinta a Comisiei EMPL din Parlamentul European sunt direct implicata in dezbateri si actiuni care tin de acest subiect. Ma bucur mult ca ati reusit sa o puneti pe agenda AICESIS, pentru ca in opinia mea digitalizarea, utilizarea robotilor, inteligenta artificiala vor schimba fundamental nu doar piata muncii, ci viata noastra in urmatorii ani. Si ma tem ca nu suntem de loc pregatiti, discutiile, de exemplu, din Parlamentul European lasand mult de dorit.
Voi raspunde cu mare placere actiunilor pe care le veti organiza si in masura in care agenda va permite putem sa ne intalnim pentru a vedea in ce masura putem coopera eficient in acest domeniu, precum si in altele.
Cu consideratie,
Renate Weber
Member of the European Parliament, ALDE Romania - Scrisoare de felicitare din partea Președintelul CES Coasta de Fildeș
- Scrisoare de felicitare din partea Președintelul CES Liban
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