Law 544/2001

Purpose of the Law no. 544/2001 for free access to public information:

Law 544/2001 Fisier DOC
Methodological norms for Law 544/2001
Raport de evaluare a implementării Legii 544/2001 - 2022
Raport de evaluare a implementării Legii 544/2001 - 2021
  • Obliges for public institutions to notify of its own motion certain categories of the public interest;
  • Set precise deadlines, arrangements and structures responsible for public information;
  • Specify exceptions of access to information, legal limits.


  • Formation of a culture of transparency;
  • Establish a citizen's control over the activity of public institutions and the use of public funds;
  • Eliminating opacity from public institutions.

It aimed

  • Individuals;
  • Legal entities;
  • Media.

The person responsible for receiving applications under Law no. 544/2001

  • Adriana Dorobanțu - Șef Serviciu Registratură Generală și Relații cu Publicul;
  • E-mail: ces [@] ces [.] ro (antispam);
  • Phone: 0040 21.310.23.56;  0040 21.310.23.57; 0040 21.316.31.34; 004021.316.31.33;
  • Fax: 0040 21.316.31.31.

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