Plenary Session

Membrii Plenului CES

Reprezentanți ai Confederațiilor Patronale

Reprezentanți ai Confederațiilor Sindicale

Reprezentanţi ai Structurilor Asociative ale Societăţii Civile

Atribuțiile Plenului CES

The Plenary session of Economic and Social Council has the following main duties:
  • elect the president on the basis of proposals put forward by the social partners, and submit his nomination for validation to the Parliament;
  • elect the 3 vice-presidents and the members of the bureau on the basis of proposals put forward by at the social partners;
  • adopt the Rules of procedure;
  • establish the structure of the permanent sections;
  • approve its own draft budget as well as the report on the budgetary execution;
  • adopt draft proposals issued by the sections;
  • draw up opinion to the draft acts, programs and strategies;
  • appoint the secretary general of the Economic and Social Council.

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