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1. Asset statements of Plenary Session 2022

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session

2. 2021 Annual Meeting of the Presidents and Secretaries-General of ESCs

The French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (EESC) and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organized the Annual Meeting of the Presidents and Secretaries-General of the European EESC and the EESC on 22 and 23 November at Paris, France.

3. CES Romania at the AICESIS-IOM regional webinar

On 7 December 2021, AICESIS, together with the International Labor Organization (ILO), organized a regional webinar on "The Role of ESC-IS and Social Dialogue Institutions in Europe in the Recovery from the Covid-19 Pandemic". CES Romania was represented by the president of the institution, Mr. Bogdan Simion, and by the director of the International Relations and Public Relations Department, Mrs. Eugenia Ștefănescu.

4. Interview with CES President Mr Bogdan Simion

The French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (EESC) has launched an opinion on building a Europe of health. The EESC's Committee on European and International Affairs wanted to consult another European Economic and Social Council on this subject with a view to drawing up its opinion as widely as possible. In this regard, the commission asked the President of CES Romania, Mr. Bogdan Simion, to express his opinion on this topic by answering a few specific questions in an online interview that took place on December 8, 2021 and lasted an hour and a half.

5. CES Romania participation in the meeting of the UCESIF Bureau 2022

On Thursday, February 10, 2022, the meeting of the Bureau of the Union of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Francophone Institutions (UCESIF) took place online. The meeting was chaired by the First Vice-President of the Union, Marie Béatrice Levaux, EESC France Representative, and was attended by representatives of the ESCs from Benin, Burkina Faso, France, Gabon, Greece and Romania, as well as the Secretary General of the Francophone Parliamentary Assembly, Mr. Jacques Krabal.

6. Asset statements of Plenary Session 2021

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session

7. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

8. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

9. Meeting of the European Semester Group

On September 6, 2021, between 09:30 and 18:00, the meeting of the European Semester Group took place in hybrid format. The meeting focused on the analysis of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans from the perspective of civil society.

10. Participation of the ESC of Romania at UCESIF General Elective Assembly 2019

CES Romania, which held the presidency of UCESIF during the 2017-2019, participated in the General Elective Assembly. The members of the CES Romania delegation mandated by the CES Plenary were: Mr. Iacob Baciu, president, Mr. Liviu Apostoiu, Radu Minea, Iulian-Costel Paraschiv, Vasile-Valeriu Velciu, Plen CES members and Mrs. Eugenia Ștefănescu, director of public relations and international relations CES Secretariat.

11. AICESIS Board 2021

On September 23, 2021, between 16:00 and 20:30, the meeting of the Board of Directors (CA) of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS) was held online, attended by about 40 representatives. of CES member CES on four continents, Africa, Latin America - the Caribbean, Asia and Europe. The Romanian ESC was represented by the president of the institution and by the director of the International Relations and Public Relations Department.

12. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

13. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

14. AICESIS Board 2021 - Video conferencing

On July 29, 2021, the meeting of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS) took place online, attended by the President of the ESC and the Honorary President of AICESIS, a member of the ESC.

15. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

16. Ordinea de zi

Ordinea de zi a ședinței Plenului CES din 28.02.2024, ora 12:00 - ONLINE

17. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

18. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

19. Mass media

The Economic and Social Council (ESC) presents you with press releases, news and other information of public interest.

20. Asset statements of the Employees 2021

Asset statements of the Employees

21. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

22. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

23. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

24. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

25. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

26. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

27. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

28. CES Romania participation in the European Economic and Social Committee

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organized a seminar on "Connecting within the EU" in Lisbon on 18 and 19 November 2021 in Lisbon with the Portuguese Economic and Social Council on "What kind of Europe do you dream of? and the Conference on the Future of Europe ". The event brought together journalists, media officers, teachers and politicians who discussed actions considered important and necessary at EU level in the fields of health, economics, social justice and democracy.

29. Asset statements of the Employees 2022

Asset statements of the Employees

30. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

31. Public acquisitions

Public acquisitions

32. ESC Opinions 2021

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2021 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

33. ESC Romania AICESIS Board 2021

The Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, which holds the presidency of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS), organized the meeting of the AICESIS Board of Directors on December 15, 2021, in Moscow, in hybrid format.

34. Participation of the ESC of Romania in the AICESIS Board 2021

On 27th of October 2021, the meeting of the General Assembly (GA) and the Board of Directors (AC) of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS) was held in hybrid format. The meeting was organized by the Economic, Social, Environmental and Cultural Council (CESEC) of Côte d'Ivoire in Abidjan, together with AICESIS. The event marked the end of the mandate of the Ivorian council at the head of the Association. The Romanian CES was represented online by Mr. Iacob Baciu, member of the CES Plenary and honorary president of AICESIS.

35. Lista funcțiilor și a indemnizațiilor/salariilor de bază

Lista funcțiilor și a indemnizațiilor/salariilor de bază

36. UCESIF Bureau 2021

On March 2, 2021, between 14.00 and 18.00, the meeting of the UCESIF Bureau took place online. The meeting was chaired by the President of the Union and the President of the ETUC in Guinea, Sérah Rabiatou Diallo, and the Secretary General of UCESIF, Mr Michaël Christophe.

37. ESC Activity Reports

Activity Reports of the Economic and Social Council (ESC) for the period of 2002-2022.

38. ESC participation at international events

ESC participation at international events

39. Meeting of the members of the AICESIS Board of Directors 2020

On 17 December 2020, between 15:00 and 18:00, the meeting of the members of the AICESIS Board of Directors took place by videoconference. Representatives of the ESCs from Curaçao, Saint Martin, France, Greece, Spain, Monaco, Ivory Coast, UCESA (Morocco), Benin, Mali, CAR, Senegal, Serbia, Romania, Russia and China, as well as general secretaries participated Deputy Representatives representing Europe (Luxembourg) and Eurasia (Korea) and AICESIS Permanent Representation to the UN.

40. ESC points of view

The Economic and Social Council presents the views of the ESC Plenary

41. Board of Directors and General Assembly of AICESIS 2022

On 27 and 28 June 2022, the Economic and Social Council of Greece (OKE) hosted in Athens an international conference on "Climate crisis and social dialogue towards a sustainable transition" and the meeting of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of AICESIS.

42. CES Romania at the Bureau and the elective General Assembly of UCESIF 2022

The French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) organized, on July 13 and 14, 2022, in Paris, the first Office and the first General Assembly of the Union of Francophone Economic and Social Councils (UCESIF) with physical participation, after the two years of the Covid-19 pandemic.

43. Temporary Sections

Temporary Sections are established as study groups in order to carry out the Economic and Social Council duties.

44. Methodological norms for Law 544/2001

Methodological norms for setting out the principles, the procedures and rules for implementing Law no. 544/2001 regarding free access to public information.

45. Law 544/2001

Purpose of the Law no. 544/2001 for free access to public information:

46. ESC Budget

ESC Budget

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