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1. AICESIS Presidency

The Presidency of AICESIS is held for a two-year term, according to a principle of rotation on a continental basis, by an Economic and Social Council member of the Association. Each institution that holds the presidency of the Association has the responsibility to organize a General Assembly meeting - usually at the end of its term.

2. Delegation of the Economic and Social Council of the Central African Republic

On September 20, 2017, a delegation of the Economic and Social Council of the Central African Republic, composed of Mr. Alfred Taïnga Poloko, President, Mr. Nicolas Tiangaye, former Prime Minister, and Mr. Clément De-Boutet M'bamba, General Rapporteur, had a meeting with Mr. Iacob Baciu, President of the ESC of Romania and President of AICESIS, at the Romanian ESC headquarters in Bucharest.

3. ESC Activities

Pentru îndeplinirea rolului consultativ în soluţionarea problemelor din domeniul restructurării şi dezvoltării economiei naţionale, privatizării, funcţionării şi creşterii competitivităţii agenţilor economici, relaţiilor de muncă şi politicii salariale, protecţiei sociale şi ocrotirii sănătăţii, învăţământului, cercetării şi culturii, politicilor monetare, financiare, fiscale şi de venituri, CES are următoarele atribuţii principale:

4. ESC participation at international events

ESC participation at international events

5. Preparatory online meetings for the UCESIF 2023 General Assembly

In the framework of the first Bureau of UCESIF organized under the presidency of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council of France (November 4, 2022) it was approved the development of activities related to an issue with a strong impact on our lives, namely that of the shortage of drinking water, which has reached alarming proportions in certain areas of the globe.

6. Secretary General

The Technical Secretariat, which is the ESC technical and administrative specialized machinery, ensures the smooth running of the ESC structures.

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