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1. Plenary Session

The Plenary Session is responsible of the general management of the Economic and Social Council.

2. ESC President

Preşedintele CES reprezintă Consiliul Economic şi Social în faţa Parlamentului, a Guvernului şi a celorlalte autorităţi publice, precum şi în relaţiile cu terţii în baza unui mandat aprobat de Plenul Consiliului Economic şi Social.

3. Organisation

The Economic and Social Council analyses the economic and social situation of the country and makes recommendations to the Government and the Parliament, in compliance with the Law, on:

4. ESC Vice-presidents

The Economic and Social Council (ESC) has three vice-presidents.

5. Temporary Sections

Temporary Sections are established as study groups in order to carry out the Economic and Social Council duties.

6. Protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data

The Economic and Social Council is processing of personal data in order to fulfill the duties provided by Law no. 248/2013 regarding the organization and functioning of the Economic and Social Council with subsequent amendments and completions.

7. ESC Mission

The Economic and Social Council has an advisory role in establishing the economic and social strategy and policy of the country, in mitigating disputes between the social partners at industry or national level, and in achieving, promoting and developing social dialogue and solidarity.

8. Secretary General

The Technical Secretariat, which is the ESC technical and administrative specialized machinery, ensures the smooth running of the ESC structures.

9. Sections

Permanent or temporary Sections are established as study groups in order to carry out the Economic and Social Council duties.

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