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1. Executive Bureau

The Economic and Social Council Executive Bureau (BEx) consists of the president, two vice-presidents, each of them representing a party and other six members, two from each social partner.

2. ESC President

Preşedintele CES reprezintă Consiliul Economic şi Social în faţa Parlamentului, a Guvernului şi a celorlalte autorităţi publice, precum şi în relaţiile cu terţii în baza unui mandat aprobat de Plenul Consiliului Economic şi Social.

3. ESC Technical Organizational Chart

The Economic and Social Council is constituted and operates on the principle of tripartism, its governing bodies and those working with tripartite structure.

4. Secretary General

The Technical Secretariat, which is the ESC technical and administrative specialized machinery, ensures the smooth running of the ESC structures.

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