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1. CES Romania participation in the meeting of the UCESIF Bureau 2022

On Thursday, February 10, 2022, the meeting of the Bureau of the Union of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Francophone Institutions (UCESIF) took place online. The meeting was chaired by the First Vice-President of the Union, Marie Béatrice Levaux, EESC France Representative, and was attended by representatives of the ESCs from Benin, Burkina Faso, France, Gabon, Greece and Romania, as well as the Secretary General of the Francophone Parliamentary Assembly, Mr. Jacques Krabal.

2. Interview with CES President Mr Bogdan Simion

The French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (EESC) has launched an opinion on building a Europe of health. The EESC's Committee on European and International Affairs wanted to consult another European Economic and Social Council on this subject with a view to drawing up its opinion as widely as possible. In this regard, the commission asked the President of CES Romania, Mr. Bogdan Simion, to express his opinion on this topic by answering a few specific questions in an online interview that took place on December 8, 2021 and lasted an hour and a half.

3. 2021 Annual Meeting of the Presidents and Secretaries-General of ESCs

The French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (EESC) and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organized the Annual Meeting of the Presidents and Secretaries-General of the European EESC and the EESC on 22 and 23 November at Paris, France.

4. Participation of the ESC of Romania at UCESIF General Elective Assembly 2019

CES Romania, which held the presidency of UCESIF during the 2017-2019, participated in the General Elective Assembly. The members of the CES Romania delegation mandated by the CES Plenary were: Mr. Iacob Baciu, president, Mr. Liviu Apostoiu, Radu Minea, Iulian-Costel Paraschiv, Vasile-Valeriu Velciu, Plen CES members and Mrs. Eugenia Ștefănescu, director of public relations and international relations CES Secretariat.

5. Participation of the ESC of Romania in the AICESIS Board 2018

A delegation of the Economic and Social Council of Romania, led by Mr. Iacob Baciu, President, and composed of Messrs. Liviu Apostoiu, Vice-president, Bogdan Simion, Vice-president, Radu Minea, Member of the ESC Bureau, Ms. Silvia Vlăsceanu, Member of the ESC Bureau, and Ms. Eugenia Ștefănescu, Head of the International and Public Relations Department, participated in the AICESIS Board and General Assembly and in the UCESIF Bureau held on 17 and 18 September on the premises of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council of France.

6. General Assembly UCESIF 2019

A delegation of the ESC of Romania, composed of Mr. Iacob Baciu, President of the Romanian ESC and UCESIF President, Ms. Elena-Cătălina Surcel, ESC Vice-President, Mr. Radu Minea, ESC Member and Representative of the President to UCESIF, and Ms. Eugenia Ștefănescu, Head of the International and Public Relations Department, participated on 19 and 20 March 2019 in the events organized by the ESEC of France on the occasion of the International Francophonie Day and in the UCESIF Extraordinary General Assembly.

7. CES Romania participation in the ”Next Generation EU” meeting

A meeting organized by the Italian National Economic and Labor Council (CNEL) in partnership with the European Semester Group entitled "Next Generation EU" was held in hybrid format on Tuesday, January 25, 2022. The meeting focused on the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans in the EU Member States and on the effective role of the national ESCs and the social partners in this process. Representatives of the ESCs from Italy, Spain, France, Portugal and Romania, as well as representatives of the European Economic and Social Committee, took part in the discussions.

8. AICESIS International Meeting 2017

A delegation of the Romanian ESC, led by President Iacob Baciu and composed of Messrs. Dragoș Mihalache, Vice-President, Bogdan Simion, Vice-President, Liviu Apostoiu, Member of the Bureau, and Ms Eugenia Ștefănescu, head of the International Relations Department, participated in the AICESIS International Meeting, General Assembly and two AICESIS Boards, organized by the ESC of the Dominican Republic in Santo Domingo on 6, 7 and 8 September.

9. Rules of Procedure

Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council

10. 2020 Annual Meeting of the Presidents and Secretaries-General of ESCs

The Annual Meeting of the Presidents and Secretaries-General of the EU Economic and Social Councils and the European Economic and Social Committee, organized by the EESC, took place online from 09:00 am to 06:30 pm on 9th September 2020. European Parliament and the EESC France.

11. Seminar of the Diversity Europe group

On 2nd of September 2020, from 09:00 amto 11:00 am, the EESC's Diversity Europe Group organized an online seminar in which it presented the study "Finding a new consensus on the values of European civil society and their evaluation".

12. UCESIF Bureau 2022

The Economic, Social and Environmental Council of France, which currently holds the presidency of the Union of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Francophone Institutions (UCESIF), organized, on November 24, 2022, at its headquarters in Paris, the meeting of the first UCESIF Bureau after taking over the French presidency in July 2022.

13. ESC participation at international events

ESC participation at international events

14. Meeting of the members of the AICESIS Board of Directors 2020

On 17 December 2020, between 15:00 and 18:00, the meeting of the members of the AICESIS Board of Directors took place by videoconference. Representatives of the ESCs from Curaçao, Saint Martin, France, Greece, Spain, Monaco, Ivory Coast, UCESA (Morocco), Benin, Mali, CAR, Senegal, Serbia, Romania, Russia and China, as well as general secretaries participated Deputy Representatives representing Europe (Luxembourg) and Eurasia (Korea) and AICESIS Permanent Representation to the UN.

15. Preparatory videoconference for the Annual Meeting of the Presidents and Secretaries-General of the ESC

The preparatory videoconference for the Annual Meeting of the Presidents and Secretaries-General of the EU's national ESCs and the EESC, organized by the European Economic and Social Committee and the Council, took place on 25th of June 2020 from 01:30 pm to 06:00 pm. Economic, Social and Environmental Affairs of France.

16. Preparatory online meetings for the UCESIF 2023 General Assembly

In the framework of the first Bureau of UCESIF organized under the presidency of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council of France (November 4, 2022) it was approved the development of activities related to an issue with a strong impact on our lives, namely that of the shortage of drinking water, which has reached alarming proportions in certain areas of the globe.

17. CES Romania at the Bureau and the elective General Assembly of UCESIF 2022

The French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) organized, on July 13 and 14, 2022, in Paris, the first Office and the first General Assembly of the Union of Francophone Economic and Social Councils (UCESIF) with physical participation, after the two years of the Covid-19 pandemic.

18. ESC of Romania at International Day of La Francophonie

The Economic, Social and Environmental Council (ESEC) of France organized on its premises in Paris, on 20 March 2018, a celebration on the occasion of the International Day of La Francophonie, under the high patronage of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF). The Romanian Economic and Social Council was represented by Mr. Radu MINEA, member of the ESC Bureau.

19. ESC Romania at the meeting of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council of France

In the UCESIF chairmanship that CES Romania holds for the 2017-2019 mandate, Mr. Radu Minea, a member of CES Romania, represented our institution at the EESC meeting in France during which the project "The Role of France in a Dynamic Francophone "Proposed by the European and International Affairs Section of the French Council.

20. Elective General Assembly of UCESIF 2017

The Economic and Social Council of Romania organized on Friday, 8 December 2017, at its headquarters in Bucharest, an Elective General Assembly of UCESIF. The event brought together representatives of the Francophone CES - Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Mali and Morocco - of the International Francophone Organization, the Ivory Coast Embassy and the Kingdom of Morocco. Three members of the Union, who could not attend the meeting, mandated Mr Nizar Baraka, President of the EESC in Morocco and the then President of UCESIF, to represent them. These were: Guinea's Economic and Social Council, Niger's Economic, Social and Cultural Council, and Senegal's Economic, Social and Environmental Council. ESAs from Armenia, Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Greece, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Mauritania, Monaco and Chad could not be represented at this event.

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