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1. Legislation

Law 248/2013 organisation and mode of operation of the Economic and Social Council (RO).

2. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

3. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

4. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

5. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

6. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

7. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

8. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

9. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

10. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

11. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

12. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

13. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

14. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

15. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

16. ESC Opinions 2023

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2023 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

17. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

18. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

19. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

20. ESC Opinions 2024

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2024 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

21. ESC Opinions 2013

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2013 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

22. ESC Opinions 2014

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2014 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

23. ESC Opinions 2015

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2015 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

24. ESC Opinions 2012

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2012 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

25. ESC Opinions 2017

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2017 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

26. ESC Opinions 2018

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2018 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

27. ESC Opinions 2019

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2019 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

28. ESC Opinions 2020

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2020 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

29. ESC Opinions 2021

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2021 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

30. ESC Opinions 2022

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2022 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

31. ESC Opinions 2016

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2016 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

32. ESC Opinions 2011

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2011 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

33. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

34. ESC Opinions 2010

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2010 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

35. ESC Opinions 2009

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2009 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

36. ESC Opinions

This section provides information on the opinions issued by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

37. ESC Opinions 2008

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2008 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

38. ESC Opinions 2007

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2007 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

39. ESC Opinions 2006

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2006 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

40. ESC Opinions 2005

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2005 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

41. ESC Opinions 2004

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2004 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

42. ESC Opinions 2003

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2003 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

43. ESC Opinions 2002

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2002 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

44. ESC Opinions 2001

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2001 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

45. ESC Opinions 2000

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2000 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

46. ESC Opinions 1998-1999

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 1998-1999 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

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