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1. Plenary Session

The Plenary Session is responsible of the general management of the Economic and Social Council.

2. ESC management

ESC management

3. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

4. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

5. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

6. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

7. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

8. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

9. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

10. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

11. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

12. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

13. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

14. Rules of Procedure

Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council

15. ESC Opinions 2017

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2017 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

16. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

17. ESC participation at international events

ESC participation at international events

18. ESC Mission

The Economic and Social Council has an advisory role in establishing the economic and social strategy and policy of the country, in mitigating disputes between the social partners at industry or national level, and in achieving, promoting and developing social dialogue and solidarity.

19. ESC Technical Organizational Chart

The Economic and Social Council is constituted and operates on the principle of tripartism, its governing bodies and those working with tripartite structure.

20. Visit of the delegation of the Yunnan Province Market Surveillance Administration

By an electronic message received on July 12, 2019, a representative of the Market Supervisory Administration of the Yunnan Province of China requested the management of CES Romania the opportunity to have a meeting at the headquarters of our institution with its president, as well as with other members.,  in order to know more closely the Romanian Economic and Social Council and to receive information on the general situation of economic and social development in Romania, on ways to maintain and stabilize market prosperity, to promote sustainable economic and social development through improving market surveillance.

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