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1. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Presidents and Secretaries-General of ESCs

The Economic and Social Council of Slovakia and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) jointly organized the Annual Meeting of the Presidents and Secretaries-General of the National ESCs of the EU and the EESC, which took place this year on 14 and 15 June 2018 in Bratislava, Slovakia.

2. 2017 Annual Meeting of the Presidents and Secretaries-General of ESCs

A delegation representing the Economic and Social Council of Romania, formed of Messrs. Dragoș Mihalache, Vice-President, Marin Suliman, Secretary-General, and Ms. Eugenia Ștefănescu, Head of the International and Public Relations Department, participated in the Annual Meeting of the Presidents And Secretaries-General of the Economic and Social Councils of the EU Member States and the European Economic and Social Committee that took place in Malta on 22 and 23 June, 2017.

3. ESC participation at international events

ESC participation at international events

4. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Presidents and Secretaries-General of ESCs

A delegation of the Economic and Social Council from Romania led by the president Bogdan Simion and made up of Mrs. Doina Ciomag, vice president, Mr. Liviu Apostoiu, vice president, Mr. Marin Suliman, secretary general, and Mrs. Eugenia Ștefănescu, director of the International Relations and Public Relations Department, participated in the Annual Meeting of the presidents and general secretaries of the ETUCs from the EU member states and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

5. Visit of the delegation of the Yunnan Province Market Surveillance Administration

By an electronic message received on July 12, 2019, a representative of the Market Supervisory Administration of the Yunnan Province of China requested the management of CES Romania the opportunity to have a meeting at the headquarters of our institution with its president, as well as with other members.,  in order to know more closely the Romanian Economic and Social Council and to receive information on the general situation of economic and social development in Romania, on ways to maintain and stabilize market prosperity, to promote sustainable economic and social development through improving market surveillance.

6. Mandat de participare la reuniunea anuală a preşedinţilor şi secretarilor generali ai CES-urilor

Consiliul Economic şi Social din România a fost invitat de către conducerea CES-ului din Malta şi cea a Comitetului Economic şi Social European să participe la Reuniunea anuală a preşedinţilor şi secretarilor generali ai CES-urilor din statele membre ale UE şi ai CESE, eveniment care, în acest an, se va desfăşura în Malta, la Valletta, în zilele de 22 şi 23 iunie 2017.

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