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1. The Erasmus Program for Civil Societies

The Economic and Social Council of Spain organized on November 21, 2023, in the context of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, the second edition of the Erasmus Program for organized civil societies. Given that several European economic and social councils could not physically participate in the event, the Spanish CES decided that it would take place online, between 09:20 and 13:00.

2. EESC Seminar Connecting the EU

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organized the "Connecting the EU" seminar on 23 and 24 November 2023 in Bratislava, together with the Economic and Social Council of Slovakia.

3. International conference combating inequalities in the world of work Greece 2023

A delegation of the Economic and Social Council led by the president Bogdan Simion and made up of Mr. Liviu Apostoiu, vice president, Mihai Dragoș, vice president, and Sterică Fudulea, member of the Executive Office, and Mrs. Eugenia Ștefănescu, director of the International Relations and Public Relations Department, participated at the International Conference on The role of social dialogue and its institutions in combating inequalities in the world of work.

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