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1. AICESIS Presidency

The Presidency of AICESIS is held for a two-year term, according to a principle of rotation on a continental basis, by an Economic and Social Council member of the Association. Each institution that holds the presidency of the Association has the responsibility to organize a General Assembly meeting - usually at the end of its term.

2. Interview with CES President Mr Bogdan Simion

The French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (EESC) has launched an opinion on building a Europe of health. The EESC's Committee on European and International Affairs wanted to consult another European Economic and Social Council on this subject with a view to drawing up its opinion as widely as possible. In this regard, the commission asked the President of CES Romania, Mr. Bogdan Simion, to express his opinion on this topic by answering a few specific questions in an online interview that took place on December 8, 2021 and lasted an hour and a half.

3. International Relations

Recommendation of the Commission's of European Council on the National Reform Program of Romania for 2018 including a Council Opinion on the Convergence Program of Romania for 2018

4. The round table occasioned by the launch of the CES study

The Economic and Social Council (CES) organized today, March 9, 2023, between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., at the headquarters of the Romanian Senate, the round table occasioned by the launch of the CES study "Correlation of the minimum wage with what is necessary for a minimum decent living", presented by the temporary specialist commission for the realization of the mentioned study and elaborated by the experts Sorin Cace, Ștefan Guga, Adina Mihăilescu and Mihnea Preotesi.


The European Economic and Social Committee is the European institutional forum for consultation, representation and information of civil society and the place where the latter can express its views. The EESC offers to representatives of the economic, social and civic organizations of the Member States the opportunity to play a vital role in policy making and decision making at the level of the European Community.

6. Romanian Representatives in EESC

The government sent to the Romanian Mission in Brussels to forward the EU Council General Secretariat, the proposed nomination of Romania's representatives in the European Economic and Social Committee.

7. ESC Mission

The Economic and Social Council has an advisory role in establishing the economic and social strategy and policy of the country, in mitigating disputes between the social partners at industry or national level, and in achieving, promoting and developing social dialogue and solidarity.

8. CESlink

The mission of the CESlink is to create a central point of information having the objective to provide information on the organization of the EESC and the national ESCs activity, the dissemination of the national ESCs' official documents, the support and development of cooperation among the national European ESCs, the facilitation of new ESC members' integration, the extended cooperation with the IAESCSI as well as the assistance given to the EESC with the view to strengthening the communication on subjects of mutual interest of the EU and the Member States.

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