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1. Participation of the ESC of Romania at UCESIF General Elective Assembly 2019

CES Romania, which held the presidency of UCESIF during the 2017-2019, participated in the General Elective Assembly. The members of the CES Romania delegation mandated by the CES Plenary were: Mr. Iacob Baciu, president, Mr. Liviu Apostoiu, Radu Minea, Iulian-Costel Paraschiv, Vasile-Valeriu Velciu, Plen CES members and Mrs. Eugenia Ștefănescu, director of public relations and international relations CES Secretariat.

2. General Assembly UCESIF 2019

A delegation of the ESC of Romania, composed of Mr. Iacob Baciu, President of the Romanian ESC and UCESIF President, Ms. Elena-Cătălina Surcel, ESC Vice-President, Mr. Radu Minea, ESC Member and Representative of the President to UCESIF, and Ms. Eugenia Ștefănescu, Head of the International and Public Relations Department, participated on 19 and 20 March 2019 in the events organized by the ESEC of France on the occasion of the International Francophonie Day and in the UCESIF Extraordinary General Assembly.

3. General Assembly UCESIF 2018

In the midst of the term of the Romanian Presidency of the Union of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions of the States and Governments of the Francophony (UCESIF), the Economic and Social Council of Romania organized the UCESIF General Assembly at the Hotel on 4 and 5 December 2018 Caro in Bucharest, Mihai Eminescu Hall.

4. Participation of the ESC of Romania in the AICESIS Board 2018

A delegation of the Economic and Social Council of Romania, led by Mr. Iacob Baciu, President, and composed of Messrs. Liviu Apostoiu, Vice-president, Bogdan Simion, Vice-president, Radu Minea, Member of the ESC Bureau, Ms. Silvia Vlăsceanu, Member of the ESC Bureau, and Ms. Eugenia Ștefănescu, Head of the International and Public Relations Department, participated in the AICESIS Board and General Assembly and in the UCESIF Bureau held on 17 and 18 September on the premises of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council of France.

5. ESC participation at international events

ESC participation at international events

6. The Days of the Institutional Networks of the Francophony - 2018

The International Francophonie Organization (OIF) organized its sixth edition of the Francophone Institutional Network Days at its Paris headquarters on Tuesday 29 May and Wednesday 30 May 2018. The event was an opportunity for meeting, dialogue and exchange of expertise between the institutional members of the Francophonie and other interested partners.

7. ESC of Romania at International Day of La Francophonie

The Economic, Social and Environmental Council (ESEC) of France organized on its premises in Paris, on 20 March 2018, a celebration on the occasion of the International Day of La Francophonie, under the high patronage of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF). The Romanian Economic and Social Council was represented by Mr. Radu MINEA, member of the ESC Bureau.

8. ESC Romania at the meeting of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council of France

In the UCESIF chairmanship that CES Romania holds for the 2017-2019 mandate, Mr. Radu Minea, a member of CES Romania, represented our institution at the EESC meeting in France during which the project "The Role of France in a Dynamic Francophone "Proposed by the European and International Affairs Section of the French Council.


Uniunea Consiliilor Economice şi Sociale şi Instituţiilor Similare ale Statelor şi Guvernelor Membre ale Francofoniei (UCESIF) ( a fost creată la data de 15 noiembrie 2004, la Ouagadougou - Burkina Faso. Uniunea are sediul social şi juridic în Franţa (Bvd. Bosquet nr. 19-21, Paris 7).

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