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1. Plenary Session

The Plenary Session is responsible of the general management of the Economic and Social Council.

2. ESC management

ESC management

3. Executive Bureau

The Economic and Social Council Executive Bureau (BEx) consists of the president, two vice-presidents, each of them representing a party and other six members, two from each social partner.

4. Interview with CES President Mr Bogdan Simion

The French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (EESC) has launched an opinion on building a Europe of health. The EESC's Committee on European and International Affairs wanted to consult another European Economic and Social Council on this subject with a view to drawing up its opinion as widely as possible. In this regard, the commission asked the President of CES Romania, Mr. Bogdan Simion, to express his opinion on this topic by answering a few specific questions in an online interview that took place on December 8, 2021 and lasted an hour and a half.

5. CES Romania participation in the meeting of the UCESIF Bureau 2022

On Thursday, February 10, 2022, the meeting of the Bureau of the Union of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Francophone Institutions (UCESIF) took place online. The meeting was chaired by the First Vice-President of the Union, Marie Béatrice Levaux, EESC France Representative, and was attended by representatives of the ESCs from Benin, Burkina Faso, France, Gabon, Greece and Romania, as well as the Secretary General of the Francophone Parliamentary Assembly, Mr. Jacques Krabal.

6. Legislation

Law 248/2013 organisation and mode of operation of the Economic and Social Council (RO).

7. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

8. ESC Opinions 2024

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2024 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

9. Draft legislation

Draft legislation submitted for endorsement

10. Participation of the ESC of Romania at UCESIF General Elective Assembly 2019

CES Romania, which held the presidency of UCESIF during the 2017-2019, participated in the General Elective Assembly. The members of the CES Romania delegation mandated by the CES Plenary were: Mr. Iacob Baciu, president, Mr. Liviu Apostoiu, Radu Minea, Iulian-Costel Paraschiv, Vasile-Valeriu Velciu, Plen CES members and Mrs. Eugenia Ștefănescu, director of public relations and international relations CES Secretariat.

11. Ordinea de zi

Ordinea de zi a ședinței Plenului CES din 28.02.2024, ora 12:00 - ONLINE

12. Mass media

The Economic and Social Council (ESC) presents you with press releases, news and other information of public interest.

13. CES Romania participation in the ”Next Generation EU” meeting

A meeting organized by the Italian National Economic and Labor Council (CNEL) in partnership with the European Semester Group entitled "Next Generation EU" was held in hybrid format on Tuesday, January 25, 2022. The meeting focused on the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans in the EU Member States and on the effective role of the national ESCs and the social partners in this process. Representatives of the ESCs from Italy, Spain, France, Portugal and Romania, as well as representatives of the European Economic and Social Committee, took part in the discussions.

14. ESC Opinions 2023

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2023 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

15. ESC President

Preşedintele CES reprezintă Consiliul Economic şi Social în faţa Parlamentului, a Guvernului şi a celorlalte autorităţi publice, precum şi în relaţiile cu terţii în baza unui mandat aprobat de Plenul Consiliului Economic şi Social.

16. Meeting of the European Semester Group

On September 6, 2021, between 09:30 and 18:00, the meeting of the European Semester Group took place in hybrid format. The meeting focused on the analysis of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans from the perspective of civil society.

17. ESC Opinions 2017

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2017 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

18. ESC Opinions 2020

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2020 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

19. Rules of Procedure

Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council

20. ESC Vice-presidents

The Economic and Social Council (ESC) has three vice-presidents.

21. ESC Opinions 2018

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2018 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

22. ESC Opinions 2019

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2019 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

23. ESC Opinions 2021

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2021 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

24. ESC Opinions 2022

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2022 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received for opinion, as required by law.

25. ESC Romania AICESIS Board 2021

The Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, which holds the presidency of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS), organized the meeting of the AICESIS Board of Directors on December 15, 2021, in Moscow, in hybrid format.

26. Studies developed by ESC

Consiliul Economic şi Social vă prezintă studiile elaborate de instituţie:

27. Mandat de participare la reuniunea anuală a preşedinţilor şi secretarilor generali ai CES-urilor

Consiliul Economic şi Social din România a fost invitat de către conducerea CES-ului din Malta şi cea a Comitetului Economic şi Social European să participe la Reuniunea anuală a preşedinţilor şi secretarilor generali ai CES-urilor din statele membre ale UE şi ai CESE, eveniment care, în acest an, se va desfăşura în Malta, la Valletta, în zilele de 22 şi 23 iunie 2017.

28. Asset statements of Plenary Session 2014

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session

29. ESC points of view

The Economic and Social Council presents the views of the ESC Plenary

30. Sections

Permanent or temporary Sections are established as study groups in order to carry out the Economic and Social Council duties.

31. The round table occasioned by the launch of the CES study

The Economic and Social Council (CES) organized today, March 9, 2023, between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., at the headquarters of the Romanian Senate, the round table occasioned by the launch of the CES study "Correlation of the minimum wage with what is necessary for a minimum decent living", presented by the temporary specialist commission for the realization of the mentioned study and elaborated by the experts Sorin Cace, Ștefan Guga, Adina Mihăilescu and Mihnea Preotesi.

32. Euromed Egypt 2023 Summit

On 5 and 6 July 2023, the Euromed 2023 Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions took place in Alexandria, Egypt. The event was organized by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the Union for the Mediterranean, in collaboration with the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

33. Condolences following the death of CESEC President from Côte d'Ivoire

We found with deep emotion and immense sadness the news of the death of my brother, colleague, my dear friend, CESEC President of Ivory Coast and AICESIS President, Mr. Charles Koffi DIBY, who died on December 7, 2019.

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