Search | policies

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1. Organisation

The Economic and Social Council analyses the economic and social situation of the country and makes recommendations to the Government and the Parliament, in compliance with the Law, on:

2. Christa Schweng newly elected EESC President

A vision for a stronger and more resilient post-COVID Europe.
Since the end of October I have been the new president of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

3. Politica de cookie

Acest website foloseste atât cookie-uri proprii, cât şi de la terţi, pentru a furniza vizitatorilor o experienţă mult mai bună de navigare şi servicii adaptate nevoilor şi interesului fiecăruia.

4. ESC Mission

The Economic and Social Council has an advisory role in establishing the economic and social strategy and policy of the country, in mitigating disputes between the social partners at industry or national level, and in achieving, promoting and developing social dialogue and solidarity.

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