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1. AICESIS Presidency

The Presidency of AICESIS is held for a two-year term, according to a principle of rotation on a continental basis, by an Economic and Social Council member of the Association. Each institution that holds the presidency of the Association has the responsibility to organize a General Assembly meeting - usually at the end of its term.

2. AICESIS 2019

The International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS) together with the Economic and Social Council of Romania organizes the General Assembly of AICESIS, from October 9 to October 10, 2019, at the JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, in the Grand Ballroom A.

3. General Assembly UCESIF 2018

In the midst of the term of the Romanian Presidency of the Union of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions of the States and Governments of the Francophony (UCESIF), the Economic and Social Council of Romania organized the UCESIF General Assembly at the Hotel on 4 and 5 December 2018 Caro in Bucharest, Mihai Eminescu Hall.

4. International Seminar on the Digital Revolution

The partnership between the International Association of ESC-SIs (AICESIS), presided at present by the ESC of Romania, and the International Labour Organization (ILO) was marked by the organization on 23 and 24 October of an international seminar on the Digital Revolution, the main theme of the Romanian presidency of AICESIS.

5. Participation of the ESC of Romania at UCESIF General Elective Assembly 2019

CES Romania, which held the presidency of UCESIF during the 2017-2019, participated in the General Elective Assembly. The members of the CES Romania delegation mandated by the CES Plenary were: Mr. Iacob Baciu, president, Mr. Liviu Apostoiu, Radu Minea, Iulian-Costel Paraschiv, Vasile-Valeriu Velciu, Plen CES members and Mrs. Eugenia Ștefănescu, director of public relations and international relations CES Secretariat.

6. AICESIS International Meeting 2017

A delegation of the Romanian ESC, led by President Iacob Baciu and composed of Messrs. Dragoș Mihalache, Vice-President, Bogdan Simion, Vice-President, Liviu Apostoiu, Member of the Bureau, and Ms Eugenia Ștefănescu, head of the International Relations Department, participated in the AICESIS International Meeting, General Assembly and two AICESIS Boards, organized by the ESC of the Dominican Republic in Santo Domingo on 6, 7 and 8 September.

7. International Relations

Recommendation of the Commission's of European Council on the National Reform Program of Romania for 2018 including a Council Opinion on the Convergence Program of Romania for 2018

8. ESC Romania AICESIS Board 2021

The Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, which holds the presidency of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS), organized the meeting of the AICESIS Board of Directors on December 15, 2021, in Moscow, in hybrid format.

9. AICESIS Webinar on Broad and Inclusive Growth

On Monday, February 19, 2024, the AICESIS webinar on "Broad and Inclusive Growth" was held, organized by the Social and Economic Council (SER) of Curaçao, which currently holds the AICESIS presidency. 22 representatives of CESs from the four regions represented in the association participated. The topic is, in fact, the one proposed for debate by the SER in Curaçao during the two years of the presidential mandate, and the webinar is the first discussion of AICESIS members on this topic.

10. AICESIS Board 2024

On Wednesday, January 31, 2024, the Social and Economic Council of Curaçao (SER), which holds the presidency of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS) for the term 2023-2025, organized an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Directors online (CA) of AICESIS. All four areas whose ESCs make up the Governing Council, namely Africa, Europe, Eurasia/Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean, were represented at the meeting and a quorum was met for decision-making. The Romanian CES was represented by Eugenia Ștefănescu, director of the International Relations and Public Relations Directorate, and Anca Simitopol, International Relations expert.

11. UCESIF Bureau 2022

The Economic, Social and Environmental Council of France, which currently holds the presidency of the Union of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Francophone Institutions (UCESIF), organized, on November 24, 2022, at its headquarters in Paris, the meeting of the first UCESIF Bureau after taking over the French presidency in July 2022.

12. ESC participation at international events

ESC participation at international events

13. Preparatory online meetings for the UCESIF 2023 General Assembly

In the framework of the first Bureau of UCESIF organized under the presidency of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council of France (November 4, 2022) it was approved the development of activities related to an issue with a strong impact on our lives, namely that of the shortage of drinking water, which has reached alarming proportions in certain areas of the globe.

14. The Erasmus Program for Civil Societies

The Economic and Social Council of Spain organized on November 21, 2023, in the context of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, the second edition of the Erasmus Program for organized civil societies. Given that several European economic and social councils could not physically participate in the event, the Spanish CES decided that it would take place online, between 09:20 and 13:00.

15. Useful links

Economic and Social Council - useful links

16. ILO AICESIS OKE Conference

A delegation of the Romanian ESC, led by President Iacob Baciu and formed of Messrs. Dragoș Mihalache, Vice-President, Liviu Apostoiu, Member of the Bureau, Ms. Daniela Vișoianu, Member of the Bureau, and Ms. Eugenia Ștefănescu, Head of the International Relations Department, participated in an international conference jointly organized by the International Labor Organization, AICESIS and the Economic and Social Council of Greece (OKE) in Athens, on 23 and 24 November 2017.

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