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1. Organisation

The Economic and Social Council analyses the economic and social situation of the country and makes recommendations to the Government and the Parliament, in compliance with the Law, on:

2. ESC participation at international events

ESC participation at international events


The International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS) ( is a young developing association. Founded in 1999.

4. EU Connection Seminar

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organized on November 24 and 25, 2022, in Zagreb, together with the Economic and Social Council of Croatia, the "Connecting the EU" seminar with the theme "Geopolitical disturbances at the gate of Europe: the perspective of civil society". The event brought together journalists, press officers, EESC members and researchers who discussed the current issue affecting Europe, namely Russia's aggression against Ukraine.


Uniunea Consiliilor Economice şi Sociale şi Instituţiilor Similare ale Statelor şi Guvernelor Membre ale Francofoniei (UCESIF) ( a fost creată la data de 15 noiembrie 2004, la Ouagadougou - Burkina Faso. Uniunea are sediul social şi juridic în Franţa (Bvd. Bosquet nr. 19-21, Paris 7).

6. ESC Mission

The Economic and Social Council has an advisory role in establishing the economic and social strategy and policy of the country, in mitigating disputes between the social partners at industry or national level, and in achieving, promoting and developing social dialogue and solidarity.

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