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1. Seminar of the Diversity Europe group

On 2nd of September 2020, from 09:00 amto 11:00 am, the EESC's Diversity Europe Group organized an online seminar in which it presented the study "Finding a new consensus on the values of European civil society and their evaluation".

2. ESC participation at international events

ESC participation at international events

3. The round table occasioned by the launch of the CES study

The Economic and Social Council (CES) organized today, March 9, 2023, between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., at the headquarters of the Romanian Senate, the round table occasioned by the launch of the CES study "Correlation of the minimum wage with what is necessary for a minimum decent living", presented by the temporary specialist commission for the realization of the mentioned study and elaborated by the experts Sorin Cace, Ștefan Guga, Adina Mihăilescu and Mihnea Preotesi.

4. Temporary Sections

Temporary Sections are established as study groups in order to carry out the Economic and Social Council duties.

5. Sections

Permanent or temporary Sections are established as study groups in order to carry out the Economic and Social Council duties.

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