Secretary General

The Technical Secretariat, which is the ESC technical and administrative specialized machinery, ensures the smooth running of the ESC structures.

The Secretary General has the following main duties:
  1. take part in the ESC Plenary Sessions and Executive Bureau meetings;
  2. organize and co-ordinate the Secretariat activity, by providing all necessary conditions for the proper functioning of all ESC structures;
  3. require the drawing up of the draft organization chart and staff grading of the Secretariat and submit them to the BEx and the Plenary session;
  4. design the annual training plan;
  5. take according to the ESC Plenary Session decisions supervise the ESC economic and financial activity by securing the drafting of the ESC income statement and the report on the budget implementation;
  6. periodically submit a report on his/her own activities as well as on the activities of the Secretariat to the BEx or the Plenary session;
  7. submit the ESC annual strategy to BEx approval.

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